VIX yearly highest values over the last 20 years

Started as a question from this tweet

I downloaded ^VIX data from Yahoo Finance using this script.

uvr --tickers ^VIX --back-period-in-years 20

Assuming the output data is download in a CSV file output/\^VIX.csv

I imported the CSV data in an Sqlite3 database

$ sqlite3 vix.db

In the Sqlite3 prompt

CREATE TABLE vix_prices (
    date TIMESTAMP,
    adj_close REAL,
    close REAL,
    high REAL,
    low REAL,
    open REAL,
    volume INTEGER
.mode csv
.import output/\^VIX.csv vix_prices

Now run this from the prompt to verify that data is imported successfully.

SELECT * FROM vix_prices LIMIT 5;

Then from the same prompt, we can generate a table in Markdown format

.mode list
.separator " | "
SELECT '| Year | Date | Highest Price |';
SELECT '|------|------|--------------|';
SELECT '| ' || strftime('%Y', date) || ' | ' || strftime('%Y-%m-%d', date) || ' | ' || ROUND(High, 2) || ' |'
FROM vix_prices
WHERE (strftime('%Y', date), High) IN (
    SELECT strftime('%Y', date), MAX(High)
    FROM vix_prices
    GROUP BY strftime('%Y', date)
ORDER BY date;

This is the formatted output from the above query

Year Date Highest
2004 2004-12-09 13.71
2005 2005-04-18 18.59
2006 2006-06-13 23.81
2007 2007-08-16 37.5
2008 2008-10-24 89.53
2009 2009-01-20 57.36
2010 2010-05-21 48.2
2011 2011-08-08 48.0
2012 2012-06-04 27.73
2013 2013-06-24 21.91
2014 2014-10-15 31.06
2015 2015-08-24 53.29
2016 2016-01-20 32.09
2017 2017-08-11 17.28
2018 2018-02-06 50.3
2019 2019-01-02 28.53
2020 2020-03-18 85.47
2021 2021-01-29 37.51
2022 2022-01-24 38.94
2023 2023-03-13 30.81
2024 2024-08-05 65.73