[Links] Ask HN: What are some tools / libraries you built yourself?
🍊 HN Link
🌎 Recut - Remove Silence From Your Videos Automatically
🌎 GitHub - XITRIX/iTorrent: Torrent client for iOS 9.3+
🌎 Listen Notes: The best podcast search engine
🌎 </> htmx - high power tools for html
🌎 Waqt - A simple timezone tracker
🌎 midori
🌎 H3
🌎 min language - Welcome to the min programming language
🌎 GitHub - schappim/macOCR: Get any text on your screen into your clipboard.
🌎 dotfiles/ocr at master · JJGO/dotfiles · GitHub
🌎 GitHub - acj/krapslog-rs: Visualize logs in your terminal: ▂▃▃▃▃▃▅▅▅▅▃▃▅▅▆▇
🌎 GitHub - acj/pingrok: A tool for displaying subsecond offset heatmaps of ICMP ping latency
🌎 GitHub - Keats/tera: A template engine for Rust based on Jinja2/Django
🌎 GitHub - Keats/kickstart: A scaffolding tool to get new projects up and running quickly
🌎 GitHub - Keats/validator: Simple validation for Rust structs
🌎 GitHub - joe-crawford/Static-Site-Search: Generate a "static" website search engine
🌎 GitHub - amacneil/dbmate: A lightweight, framework-agnostic database migration tool.
🌎 GitHub - qustavo/dotsql: A Golang library for using SQL.
🌎 Sqitch: Sensible database change management
🌎 Webhook.site - Test, process and transform emails and HTTP requests
🌎 InstaDJ - Create & Share YouTube Playlists
🌎 Celestite: Reactive web apps with Crystal + Svelte
🌎 Build tools around workflows, not workflows around tools | thesephist.com
🌎 GitHub - go-restruct/restruct: Rich binary (de)serialization library for Golang
🌎 GitHub - jchv/pngextract: Tool to extract PNG files out of a binary blob.
🌎 GitHub - jchv/flsplit: Simple tool to split FL Studio project files by playlist track.
🌎 GitHub - sloonz/uback: Universal/Uniform Backup Tool
🌎 GitHub - sloonz/ngx-auth: Simple Authentication for nginx
🌎 chronic(1) — moreutils — Debian jessie — Debian Manpages
🌎 See and compare your Spotify stats – volt.fm
🌎 PostSheet – No-code email and SMS service
🌎 Pikaso – Screenshot Twitter like a pro
🌎 GitHub - soheilpro/catj: Displays JSON files in a flat format.
🌎 GitHub - soheilpro/mann: With mann you will never forget command line options again.
🌎 GitHub - soheilpro/pgcmd: Non-interactive PostgreSQL query tool.
🌎 GitHub - soheilpro/sqltop: Find the most resource consuming SQL Server queries.
🌎 GitHub - soheilpro/mon: Painless performance monitoring for Windows.
🌎 GitHub - soheilpro/Ledger: Interactive CLI double-entry accounting application.
🌎 GitHub - mila-iqia/paperoni: Search for scientific papers on the command line
🌎 GitHub - breuleux/synecure: Simple rsync-based synchronization CLI program
🌎 GitHub - mattsse/crossref-rs: A rust client for the Crossref-API
🌎 Make a macOS executable binary or .dylib portable · GitHub
🌎 GitHub - mingodad/ljs: Lua with C/C++/Java/Javascript syntax
🌎 GitHub - mingodad/squilu: A scripting language that accepts a subset of javascript and C/C++
🌎 The Compiler Generator Coco/R
🌎 GitHub - mingodad/GLPK: Mirror of GLPK versions and changes made by me and by others elsewhere
🌎 Webflow: Create a custom website | No-code website builder
🌎 Yet Another Dotfiles Manager - yadm
🌎 Gitpages.app | Bring your GitHub Project alive with a landing page
🌎 Lowdefy - Build internal tools with YAML | Lowdefy - Build internal tools with YAML
🌎 https://github.com/tree-annotation
🌎 Home · andrey-utkin/wearable-computer Wiki · GitHub
🌎 Home · andrey-utkin/taskdb Wiki · GitHub
🌎 Home · sqlhub-net/sqlhub-net Wiki · GitHub
🌎 GitHub - andrey-utkin/MiBand3: Library to work with Xiaomi MiBand 3
🌎 GitHub - cube2222/jql: Easy JSON Query Processor with a Lispy syntax in Go
🌎 simonw/releases.md at main · simonw/simonw · GitHub
🌎 Datasette: An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
🌎 CampAlert: The Fastest Campsite Notification Service
🌎 Checkout Chick 20 Second Demo
🌎 GitHub - GuB-42/dupfiletree: Find duplicate files and folders
🌎 GitHub - kstenerud/go-concise-encoding: Golang implementation of Concise Binary and Text Encoding
🌎 GitHub - kstenerud/enctool: A tool for manipulating data in various encoding formats.
🌎 GitHub - kstenerud/enctool: A tool for manipulating data in various encoding formats.
🌎 GitHub - pion/webrtc: Pure Go implementation of the WebRTC API
🌎 GitHub - pion/awesome-pion: A curated list of awesome things related to Pion
🌎 GitHub - giongto35/cloud-game: Web-based Cloud Gaming service for Retro Game
🌎 GitHub - pion/dtls: DTLS 1.2 Server/Client implementation for Go
🌎 GitHub - Sean-Der/Therac: A Simple PHP Pair Debugger
🌎 GitHub - Sean-Der/fail2web: a fail2ban GUI powered by fail2rest
🌎 GitHub - fieldryand/goflow: Web UI-based workflow orchestrator inspired by Apache Airflow
🌎 Container Tabs Sidebar – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
🌎 GitHub - makeworld-the-better-one/dither: A fast, correct image dithering library in Go.
🌎 Reviewable - GitHub Code Reviews Done Right
🌎 GitHub - warmuuh/milkman: An Extensible Request/Response Workbench
🌎 GitHub - dukeofharen/httplaceholder: A very flexible cross platform HTTP stub application.
🌎 Tracking the Books I've Read Using Svelte, XState and Quagga - Nikhil's blog
🌎 GitHub - tbillington/kondo: Save disk space by cleaning non-essential files from software projects.
🌎 GeneWarrior - DNA and Protein Sequence Manipulation Tools and Primer Design
🌎 GitHub - porsager/postgres: Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js
🌎 software that sucks less | suckless.org software that sucks less
🌎 Esyvite - Easy invites, create events that people attend
🌎 GitHub - TylerBrock/saw: Fast, multi-purpose tool for AWS CloudWatch Logs
🌎 Chronologic Versioning ∙ v2019.05.19
🌎 Stavros Korokithakis / Harbormaster · GitLab
🌎 GitHub - quitesimpleorg/exile.h: Header-only library for simple process self-isolation
🌎 crtxcr/raou: Lightweight sudo-like program for Linux written in Rust - raou - quitesimple
🌎 GitHub - quitesimpleorg/qsni: launches and assigns programs to cgroup-specific iptables-rules
🌎 GitHub - quitesimpleorg/qsni: launches and assigns programs to cgroup-specific iptables-rules
🌎 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/offbynull/learn/master/Bioinformatics/input/input.md
🌎 GitHub - intel/hyperscan: High-performance regular expression matching library
🌎 GitHub - simdjson/simdjson: Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second
🌎 GitHub - Link-/gh-token: Create an installation access token for a GitHub app from your terminal 💻
🌎 For a Good Strftime | Easy Skeezy Ruby Date/Time Formatting
🌎 GitHub - rcarmo/pngcanvas: A minimalist library to render PNG images using pure Python
🌎 GitHub - rcarmo/imapbackup: A Python script for incremental backups of IMAP mailboxes
🌎 GitHub - rcarmo/rss2imap: An adaptation of rss2mail that uses IMAP directly
🌎 GitHub - rcarmo/sushy: A wiki/blogging engine with a static file back-end
🌎 Stop It! Create audio bookmarks on Android | AugmentedMind.de
🌎 Matrix homeservers setup & maintenance
🌎 GitHub - photostructure/exiftool-vendored.js: Fast, cross-platform Node.js access to ExifTool
🌎 PhotoStructure | Uncertain, lazy, forgetful, & impatient: Itâs what you want your code to be.
🌎 GitHub - karoliskoncevicius/annmatrix: annotated matrix object for R
🌎 GitHub - karoliskoncevicius/basetheme: Themes for base plotting system in R
🌎 ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux
🌎 GitHub - pkulchenko/MobDebug: Remote debugger for Lua.
🌎 GitHub - pkulchenko/serpent: Lua serializer and pretty printer.
🌎 GitHub - jhspetersson/fselect: Find files with SQL-like queries
🌎 Quepid - Solr and Elasticsearch Relevancy Tuning, Made Easy
🌎 GitHub - tinspin/rupy: HTTP App. Server and JSON DB - Atomic Parallel & Distributed
🌎 GitHub - queer/singyeong: 신경 - Cloud-native messaging/pubsub with powerful routing
🌎 GitHub - queer/crush: A time-traveling distributed key-value store
🌎 GitHub - queer/autumn: Experimental Netty-based Java 16 application/web framework
🌎 GitHub - ludocode/pottery: Pottery - A container and algorithm template library in C
🌎 GitHub - glouw/ctl: The C Template Library
🌎 GitHub - maxhumber/gazpacho: 🥫 The simple, fast, and modern web scraping library
🌎 GitHub - riquito/tuc: When cut doesn't cut it
🌎 Smocker
🌎 GitHub - ivanmaeder/finder-touch: Create a new empty file in the current Finder folder
🌎 https://redchamp.net/blog/email-me
🌎 GitHub - ivanmaeder/vimv: Rename a list of files using a text editor
🌎 Trystero - serverless WebRTC matchmaking
🌎 panpipe: Pandoc filter to execute code blocks
🌎 panhandle: Pandoc filter to unwrap nested blocks
🌎 GitHub - maxhumber/Carlo: 🎰 Monte Carlo Tree Search for Swift
🌎 README.md in dezip-1.1.zip/dezip - dezip.org
🌎 GitHub - appium/node-teen_process: A slightly more grown-up version of Node's child_process
🌎 GitHub - eweitz/ideogram: Chromosome visualization for the web
🌎 GitHub - cjjeakle/rebalance-calc: A Portfolio Rebalancing and Tax Optimization Calculator
🌎 CloseTab
🌎 joelewis (Joe B. Lewis) · GitHub
🌎 http://chriswarbo.net/git/chrome-duplicate-tab-detector
🌎 jlelse/GoBlog: Simple blogging system written in Go - GoBlog - git.jlel.se
🌎 https://mro.name/o/2021-03-30-142424-prototypefund10-068.pdf
🌎 GitHub - backtrace-labs/umash: UMASH: a fast enough hash and fingerprint with collision bounds
🌎 GitHub - backtrace-labs/poireau: Poireau: a sampling allocation debugger
🌎 GitHub - pkhuong/csm: Safely-rounded Confidence Sequence Method
🌎 GitHub - pkhuong/reciprocal: Faster division by constants that aren't known at compile-time
🌎 Robert May / chunky_cache · GitLab
🌎 pokemon-showdown/DASHYCODE.md at master · smogon/pokemon-showdown · GitHub
🌎 GitHub - nestordemeure/pandas2numpy: Dataframe to tensor converter for deep learning.
🌎 GitHub - jahed/promises: Composable Functions for Promises
🌎 GitHub - mkmik/jsonnetenc: Jsonnet writer for Go
🌎 GitHub - mkmik/multidoc_yamldiff: diffs yaml files consisting of multiple documents (separated by —)
🌎 GitHub - mkmik/runck: A curl wrapper that can verify a checksum and also run a binary
🌎 GitHub - mkmik/knot8: define and manipulate "knobs" in K8s manifests
🌎 GitHub - mkmik/ocipfs: Stateless synthetic oci registry that serves single layers from IPFS
🌎 Axomark - anonymous social bookmarks
🌎 GitHub - Isaaafc/mssql-wrapper: Write and execute MSSQL with simple C# syntax
🌎 GitHub - jtgans/g13gui: A user-space driver and GUI configurator for the Logitech G13
🌎 GitHub - drodil/envssh: Environment (friendly) SSH client
🌎 GitHub - kamyar/til: ✨ Keep track of things you learn each day 💡
🌎 GitHub - milesmcc/a17t: An atomic design toolkit for pragmatists
🌎 GitHub - PeterHickman/Nginx-Log-Tools: Tools for extracting useful information from Nginx logs
🌎 GitHub - PeterHickman/chop: Extracting the useful things I need from log files
🌎 GitHub - PeterHickman/Raid: A little experiment for create a Rake like tool
🌎 GitHub - churichard/notabase: A personal knowledge base for networked thinking.
🌎 GitHub - vaulty-co/vaulty: Tokenize, encrypt/decrypt, mask your data on the fly with Vaulty proxy
🌎 Payment processing devoted to delighting users | Moov
🌎 GitHub - MrPowers/spark-daria: Essential Spark extensions and helper methods ✨😲
🌎 GitHub - MrPowers/quinn: pyspark methods to enhance developer productivity 📣 👯 🎉
🌎 GitHub - MrPowers/chispa: PySpark test helper methods with beautiful error messages
🌎 GitHub - MrPowers/bebe: Filling in the Spark function gaps across APIs
🌎 GitHub - MrPowers/spark-sbt.g8: A giter8 template for Spark SBT projects
🌎 GitHub - amaizfinance/redis-operator: Redis Operator for Kubernetes
🌎 GitHub - pantchox/Twitark: Archive the Twitter sample firehose and daily trends
🌎 GitHub - pantchox/joebear: Joebear is a cute small serial queue job manager
🌎 GitHub - pgsandstrom/package-json-upgrade
🌎 GitHub - jbaldwin/liblifthttp: Safe and easy to use C++17 HTTP client library.
🌎 GitHub - jbaldwin/libcoro: C++20 coroutine library
🌎 GitHub - lou1306/absentee: A C-to-C transformation tool
🌎 GitHub - spywhere/Legacy-ParticlePlay: A legacy work on cross-platform game engine
🌎 Accelerator Keys for Mac Excel
🌎 GitHub - simmsb/container-per-ip: Some thing so you can spin up a container per client ip
🌎 GitHub - karlicoss/promnesia: Another piece of your extended mind
🌎 GitHub - karlicoss/cachew: Transparent and persistent cache/serialization powered by type hints
🌎 GitHub - karlicoss/dron: What if cron and systemd had a baby?
🌎 In search of a better job scheduler | beepb00p
🌎 GitHub - ted-piotrowski/puppeteer-camera: Dockerized API for recording websites
🌎 GitHub - writteli/writteli: Your next favorite static site generator
🌎 compactem: build accurate small models! — compactem 0.9.5 documentation
🌎 Welcome to Commandeer’s documentation! — Commandeer 0.3.0 documentation
🌎 Nodewood - Node.js & Vue.js SaaS Boilerplate & Starter Kit
🌎 kPow for Apache Kafka® | Monitor. Manage. Learn.
🌎 GitHub - wolf81/DungeonBuilder: A 2-dimensional dungeon builder for a RPG
🌎 UXWizz - Self-Hosted Web Analytics
🌎 Pushever - Test push notification easily
🌎 SimplePing 🏓 - Mac Menu Bar app
🌎 GitHub - erdo/android-fore: android fore - thinner view layers (and rotation for free)
🌎 GitHub - agentultra/DataVersion
🌎 GitHub - riccardomurri/j2pp: A command-line preprocessor using Jinja2 template syntax.
🌎 Welcome to elasticlusterâs documentation! — ElastiCluster 1.3.dev28 documentation
🌎 GitHub - golergka/pg-tx: Transactions for node-postgres
🌎 GitHub - golergka/hn-comment-bot: Telegram notifier for replies on Hacker News.
🌎 GitHub - mattgreen/lucid.fish: Minimalist, high-performance fish prompt
🌎 GitHub - mattgreen/fogeybot: A Discord bot for Heroes of the Storm
🌎 GitHub - emvi/null: Nullable Go types that can be marshalled/unmarshalled to/from JSON.
🌎 A Go package for building Progressive Web Apps
🌎 GitHub - cannam/repoint: A manager for checkouts of third-party source code dependencies.
🌎 GitHub - nathants/agr: ag + sed
🌎 GitHub - nathants/tinysnitch: an interactive firewall for inbound and outbound connections
🌎 GitHub - nathants/cli-aws: composable, succinct aws scripts
🌎 GitHub - nathants/bsv: maximum performance data processing
🌎 GitHub - nathants/s4: super simple storage service + data local compute + shuffle
🌎 GitHub - statelyai/xstate: State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
🌎 GitHub - harel/strudelpy: Easy going emails with Python for easy going people, who email
🌎 GitHub - bestouff/genext2fs: genext2fs - ext2 filesystem generator for embedded systems
🌎 GitHub - parkerhoyes/stat-archiver: File attribute archiver utility
🌎 GitHub - nidhaloff/Translator-pp: A cross platform all in one translator app
🌎 Tholian Network - The Web of Knowledge
🌎 Sorting Algorithms Visualised - Seán Barry
🌎 GitHub - deathwebo/tinydiamond-timer
🌎 GitHub - geuis/helium-css: Helium - javascript tool to scan your site and show unused CSS
🌎 GitHub - GreatAttractor/imppg: ImPPG (Image Post-Processor)
🌎 GitHub - jlevers/selling-partner-api: A PHP client library for Amazon's Selling Partner API
🌎 GitHub - drmohundro/SWXMLHash: Simple XML parsing in Swift
🌎 GitHub - SonyMobile/py-hprof: Analyse and explore .hprof heap dumps.
🌎 GRIT - The Chromium Projects
🌎 GitHub - imwally/battstat: 🔋 CLI battery status indicator for macOS, Linux, and OpenBSD ⚡
🌎 GitHub - imwally/untweet: Destroy tweets and likes.
🌎 GitHub - imwally/linkview: Terminal HTML link menu.
🌎 GitHub - imwally/pin: Simple command line pinboard client.
🌎 GitHub - MH15/neanderthal: A static hypertext generator for your blog or website.
🌎 GitHub - brendoncarroll/go-p2p: Message-Based P2P Networking Library
🌎 GitHub - vlad17/slb: A unix-friendly map-reduce parallelization alternative
🌎 GitHub - vlad17/svm2csr: fast Rust-based SVMlight parser
🌎 GitHub - serilog-contrib/SerilogSinksInMemory: In-memory sink for Serilog to use for testing
🌎 GitHub - sandermvanvliet/TestableHttpClient: Test helpers for unit testing HttpClient
🌎 GitHub - hoshsadiq/big-fat-converter: A generic file data format converter
🌎 GitHub - inaka/worker_pool: Erlang worker pool
🌎 GitHub - inaka/elvis_core: The core of an Erlang linter
🌎 GitHub - AdRoll/rebar3_format: Erlang Formatter for Rebar3
🌎 GitHub - AdRoll/rebar3_hank: The Erlang Dead Code Cleaner
🌎 GitHub - RonitRay/ecstatic: Very basic static site generator written in Python.
🌎 GitHub - winrid/mongodb-docs-download: Export MongoDB's Docs to Read Offline (HTML, PDF, Kindle)
🌎 Pyranid
🌎 GitHub - axegon/SkLite-dart: Transpile scikit-learn models to Flutter
🌎 GitHub - axegon/spectrust: Spectrust - blazing fast spectrogram generator for Python in Rust.
🌎 GitHub - Rorigami/rorigami: Rorigami - Static pages made simple(and self-contained).
🌎 GitHub - ldd/vscode-jq: jq LiveView Extension for VS Code
🌎 GitHub - Continvvm/continuum: A clean and simple data loading library for Continual Learning
🌎 gauntletwizard.net / kubetls · GitLab
🌎 GitHub - JaDogg/sbx: 📚📦 StudyBox (SBX) - Terminal Flashcards & Library
🌎 GitHub - JaDogg/pydoro: 🍅 pydoro - Terminal Pomodoro Timer
🌎 GitHub - ericwooley/graphql-code-generator-react-form: Graphql Code Form Generator
🌎 GitHub - dbasch/BIP38: A Java implementation of the BIP-0038 draft for encryption of Bitcoin keys
🌎 defaultdict package - go.yhsif.com/defaultdict - pkg.go.dev
🌎 rowlock package - go.yhsif.com/rowlock - pkg.go.dev
🌎 GitHub - jodavaho/kvc: Key-Value-Count CLI tools
🌎 ScreenHint on the App Store
🌎 Better, more collaborative decisions
🌎 GitHub - aybabtme/humanlog: Logs for humans to read.
🌎 GitHub - aybabtme/datagen: Generate datastructures for your types.
🌎 GitHub - gospotcheck/protofact
🌎 Aper
🌎 GitHub - mikeevmm/sane: make, but sane.
🌎 GitHub - Batterii/fixture-riveter: A fixtures generation library for Typescript
🌎 GitHub - lindell/multi-gitter: CLI to update multiple repositories in bulk
🌎 GitHub - astashov/yatro: Yet Another Typesafe Router
🌎 Failure is your Domain | Middlemost Systems
🌎 GitHub - Vanclief/ez: Minimalistic package for handling Go errors in an easy way
🌎 GitHub - wgryc/video-input-js: video-input field to make video recording easy via client-side JS
🌎 GitHub - theankurkedia/openpad: An open notepad.
🌎 Create mock APIs in seconds with Mockoon
🌎 GitHub - leifg/formulon: Salesforce Formula Parser implemented in ES2017. Live demo at
🌎 Formulon
🌎 JSON Blob | create, edit, view, format, and share JSON
🌎 GitHub - chinmayshah99/r_freeze: Pipreqs for R
🌎 GitHub - garageScript/myProxy: MyProxy is an application that proxies requests to other servers
🌎 GitHub - bebump/bbmp_interop: Python extension module generator for pybind11
🌎 GitHub - sgrodriguez/ddt: Golang Dynamic Decision Tree
🌎 OnlineOrNot - Free Website and API Monitoring | OnlineOrNot
🌎 Skip Google Redirects – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
🌎 GitHub - manuelkiessling/simplecd: Simple Continuous Delivery system running in your bash shell
🌎 Task
🌎 GitHub - sbacic/frontend-template
🌎 GitHub - adur1990/Pass-for-macOS: macOS wrapper for pass, the standard UNIX password manager
🌎 GitHub - krtkush/LinearTimer: A custom view for circular progress animation on Android.
🌎 GitHub - weichsel/ZIPFoundation: Effortless ZIP Handling in Swift
🌎 GitHub - silb/jsrlib: A tool for querying and downloading JSR specifications
🌎 GitHub - anirudhvarma12/rabbit-hole-webext: A Browser Extension to trace your Wikipedia Journeys
🌎 GitHub - myshkin5/moqueries: Lock-free interface and function mocks for Go
🌎 GitHub - kadnan/Fehrist: Document Indexing and Searching Library in Go
🌎 GitHub - kadnan/GoCache: A simplest Cache Server based on LRU implementation written in Go
🌎 GitHub - mudulo/subject-extractor
🌎 Hashtag Editor on the App Store
🌎 GitHub - krychu/wfc: Wave Function Collapse library in C, plus command-line tool
🌎 GitHub - strateos/react-map-interaction: Add map like zooming and dragging to any element
🌎 https://crates.io/crates/assertables
🌎 GitHub - cohan/imgy: Image hosting website
🌎 GitHub - RhysU/gplot: Use gnuplot to plot one or more files directly from the command line.
🌎 GitHub - strzibny/invoice_printer: Super simple PDF invoicing
🌎 GitHub - FedeDP/libmodule: C simple and elegant implementation of an actor library
🌎 Docutemplate - Simply generates documents from Google Docs templates
🌎 GitHub - zikani03/groupby: Group files into directories by year, month or day created
🌎 Elder.js: A Svelte Framework and Static Site Generator
🌎 GitHub - Automunge/AutoMunge: Artificial Learning, Intelligent Machines
🌎 GitHub - collab-qa/check-all-the-things: check all of the things!
🌎 GitHub - Enhex/Deco: Delimiter Collision Free Format
🌎 GitHub - Enhex/GUI: Flexible OpenGL GUI
🌎 GitHub - baron816/fromable: A Swiss Army Knife for working with JavaScript iterables.
🌎 GitHub - joy-framework/joy: A full stack web framework written in janet
🌎 GitHub - jedberg/Postcodes: Find the distance between two North American post codes
🌎 GitHub - harrison-broadbent/libgen-api: Library Genesis search library for Python
🌎 GitHub - topshell-language/topshell: TopShell - a purely functional, reactive scripting language
🌎 GitHub - james-ransom/mysql-to-google-bigquery: MySQL to Google BigQuery Sync Tool
🌎 GitHub - skittleson/GcodeController: Manage and control sending gcode to serial devices
🌎 plocate, a much faster locate
🌎 GitHub - anubhavgupta/react-native-styleman: Responsive styling library for react native
🌎 GitHub - nagypeterjob/ecr-scan-lambda: Lambdas which does ECR scan and sends results to slack
🌎 GitHub - cgrs/mufasa: generate MFA access tokens for AWS CLI
🌎 GitHub - dheera/rosshow: Visualize ROS topics inside a terminal with Unicode/ASCII art
🌎 GitHub - simonacca/dict2sql: dict2sql gives you the ability to express SQL as python data structures
🌎 GitHub - Euromance/confboy: Better configs with TOML support
🌎 GitHub - grdl/git-get: A better way to clone, organize and manage multiple git repositories
🌎 GitHub - lingrino/vaku: Vaku extends the Vault API & CLI
🌎 GitHub - city41/mate-i3-applet: i3 workspace applet for MATE (unsupported, see top of README)
🌎 Responsive Pics - Automatic image resizing for Wordpress theme authors
🌎 GitHub - the-nick-of-time/dndice: Code to interpret roll expressions in D&D syntax
🌎 GitHub - zbendefy/machine.academy: Neural Network training library in C# with GPU acceleration
🌎 GitHub - jcraigk/ruby_nano_rpc: RPC wrapper for Nano digital currency nodes written in Ruby
🌎 GitHub - kmurph73/set-state-is-great: A global store, and good ol' fashion setState
🌎 GitHub - mohitsinghs/njk: 🎨 Render nunjucks templates with markdown and front-matter
🌎 http://chriswarbo.net/git/json-to-msgpack
🌎 http://chriswarbo.net/git/html-inliner
🌎 Converting Feeds (RSS/Atom/etc.) to Maildir
🌎 Minimal Google Analytics Snippet | Minimal Analytics
🌎 GitHub - tabulapdf/tabula-java: Extract tables from PDF files
🌎 Take notes on videos - Annotate.tv
🌎 GitHub - reZach/secure-electron-template: The best way to build Electron apps with security in mind.
🌎 GitHub - jftuga/gofwd: A cross-platform TCP port forwarder with Duo 2FA and Geo-IP integration
🌎 GitHub - jftuga/spotprice: Quickly get AWS spot instance pricing
🌎 GitHub - jftuga/photo_id_resizer: Resize photo ID images using face recognition technology
🌎 GitHub - jftuga/tcpscan: A fast, simple, multi-threaded cross-platform IPv4 TCP port scanner
🌎 GitHub - jftuga/date_gap_finder: detect date gaps in a CSV file
🌎 GitHub - jftuga/nics: Display information about Network Interface Cards (NICs)
🌎 GitHub - jftuga/deidentify: Deidentify people's names along with pronoun substitution
🌎 GitHub - jftuga/quautomatrics: Command-line automation of Qualtrics™ surveys
🌎 GitHub - jftuga/timeit: A cross-platform CLI tool used to time the duration of the given command
🌎 GitHub - jftuga/dcmp: Compare files within two directory trees for equivalency
🌎 GitHub - jftuga/compinfo: Display basic computer info
🌎 MrMan / async-wait-for-promise · GitLab
🌎 MrMan / mailtrain-form-post-sidecar · GitLab
🌎 MrMan / redis-bootleg-backup · GitLab
🌎 Maille - mithril component library
🌎 Haraka - Haraka SMTP Email Server
🌎 jQuery Terminal: JavaScript Web Based Terminal Emulator
🌎 Leash - Access Linux Shell from a Browser
🌎 GitHub - jcubic/sysend.js: Web application synchronization between different tabs
🌎 GitHub - jcubic/tagger: Zero Dependency, Vanilla JavaScript Tag Editor
🌎 GitHub - jcubic/lips: Scheme based powerful lisp interpreter written in JavaScript
🌎 LIPS: Powerful Scheme based lisp interpreter in JavaScript
🌎 GitHub - jcubic/lily: Simple JavaScript options parser inspired by yargs
🌎 DataTables | Table plug-in for jQuery
🌎 GitHub - DapperLib/Dapper: Dapper - a simple object mapper for .Net
🌎 GitHub - CaperAi/pronto: Protobuf ORM
🌎 GitHub - CaperAi/bazel_compose: Bazel wrapper for docker-compose
🌎 GitHub - CaperAi/branchpoke: Nag developers to get rid of stale branches.
🌎 GitHub - gravypod/NJITParking: An analysis of NJIT's horrible parking situation.
🌎 GitHub - gravypod/ButcherSchool: Pass your HAM license exams with ease!
🌎 GitHub - ThomasHabets/arping: ARP Ping
🌎 GitHub - ThomasHabets/simple-tpm-pk11: Simple PKCS11 provider for TPM chips
🌎 GitHub - ThomasHabets/tlssh: TLS Shell
🌎 GitHub - ThomasHabets/cmdg: Command line Gmail client
🌎 GitHub - ThomasHabets/rslurp: slurp down a whole HTTP directory, with parallel goodness
🌎 GitHub - ThomasHabets/sim: Multi Party Authorization version of sudo/doas
🌎 GitHub - ThomasHabets/monotonic_clock: Portable C library for getting monotonic time
🌎 gettimeofday() should never be used to measure time
🌎 GitHub - ThomasHabets/gtping: GTP Ping
🌎 GitHub - ThomasHabets/ind: Indent output from subprocess
🌎 GitHub - ThomasHabets/tlscheck: Quickly check TLS certificates of frontends and backends
🌎 keymaster/huproxy.md at master · Cloud-Foundations/keymaster · GitHub
🌎 Mellium
🌎 GitHub - jacobmischka/ics-merger: Package, cli tool, server, and webapp to merge calendars together.
🌎 GitHub - jacobmischka/gym_notebook: Simple app to track your workouts in the gym